New Artist Signature
What is an Artist Signature?
An artist signature is a mark, that is typically stamped or inked, onto a final piece of artwork. Museums or collectors will use it to identify the original artist and indicate the time in which a piece was created.
When I was younger, I was heavily opposed to signing or putting watermarks on my work. I hated ruining the clean white border on watercolors I did in high school. Seeing signatures on paintings ruined the "immersion" for me. I grew up during the rise of the internet so most every digital artist used a watermark or in the corner or massive enough to cover a large section of the drawing. I understood the importance of such markings but it always irked me.
I still don't sign my work on the front.. I typically sign on the back, only on the front if I know the final will be framed so the frame will actually cover the signature when on display.
It took a while for me to decide what I wanted my new signature to be. I no longer wanted to use my actual initials and had to make something that represented "PeaceinArt." I decided to just use the "PA" initials in a box, it is simple, timeless. I didn't want to do anything trendy or illustrative. When I was sketching the final design, it reminded me of the atomic numbers with the year "24" in the corner. It's kindof funny I went with this design for I'm not a huge fan of science, nearly failed my chem class in high school. I decided to use a hand carved rubber stamp, for it's easier than handwriting a signature and I can use it with regular archival ink or embossing powders. It had been months since I've carved so my linework isn't super clean but that's ok, a little human error is what gives it that charm.
I am planning on making a new signature every year will have this artist signature. All pieces and replicas made from June to December 2024 will have this stamp signature.