FAQ - Freqently Asked Questions

Why sell replicas and not digital prints?

To me, there's something beautiful about having a physical piece of an artist's work. You are buying something made with their handiwork, time, and passion. And you are unable to see the true texture and "feel" of a piece through a print. With my style of work, the iridescent is near impossible to replicate with a printer. I still think it's important to make artwork accessible, I paint all the replicas myself and I have made the replica-making process as efficient as possible by using custom stencils and precise color matching so replicas will be identical if not better than the original paintings.

Can I post your artwork on social media?

Short answer: YES, just tag me please. I need that clout lmaooo

Long answer: With the prominence of AI in online spaces, I myself am not actively posting full photos of my work on social media besides my website. But I understand you at home want to share things with friends and family online, and I will respect that. So all I ask is that you tag my respective social media accounts that you post on and/or link back to my website.

How do I determine pricing?

It's always hard for artists to price their work since rates are subjective based on skill. The main cost of any painting will be time. My shop opened in 2023, so my starting rate was $25 per hour of labor. That rate will increase every calendar year by a dollar, as would a typical wage should (ask your bosses for raises yall!) As of 2025, the rate is $27. So as time goes on and I become more skilled, more recent pieces will have a higher labor cost BUT older pieces will still have their original labor cost at time of their initial release.

For listings, price will be a culmination of time, art materials and packaging supplies.

What materials do I use?

I use canvas panels because they are lightweight and easier to handle. I primarily use acrylic and interior house paint for my paintings. The house paint is super opaque and are durable enough to not need to add a finish to my paintings. To get the chrome effect I use a mixture of high gloss varnish and iridescent mica powders.

Are there color/size variations available?

I agree that some pieces will look nice in different color schemes but at this time, I do not offer size or color variations for every art piece. If there are color/size variations, they will be toggle options on pieces in which they are available. Colors shown in individual listings are what are available. For sizes, I offer 12in x 16in canvas panels. I feel this size is perfect, large enough to serve as an accent piece but also small enough to work with. Once there is enough demand for more size/color variations, I will offer it.

Do I take custom orders or commissions?


I recently opened up custom work/commisions in October 2024. I will be only making physical artwork, no digital. For more information, please review the "Custom Work" section under the Shop tab of my website or click the button below.

What are my short/long term goals and plans?

I launched this site as a place for me to create, and make what I want to make. I plan on selling replicas and once I have established myself in the art scene, I will sell the actual original paintings as collectibles. In terms of products, I plan painting pieces to order live on my Twitch channel @peacein_art so yall can see the process and spend some time goofin and gaffin! I am also working on studying art history into different mediums and styles so I can consistently push myself and create new oieces for collectors.

I hope in the future to offer trading cards, lino prints, embossed prints, coloring books, printed shirts, and tote bags! I want to have full freedom when it comes to the production process, so once I have the means to expand, I will look into launching new products.

In terms of LONG LONG term, I want to have a design studio so I can teach, fund, and uplift other creatives. A dream is to help establish and build a gallery/museum by the time I'm 50. I'm young, I have lots of time but I would love to spend my whole life doing what I truly love.

Am I able to ship internationally?

Yes! I'm able to ship to 25+ countries including United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and more! I think limiting transactions to just the United States will hurt my reach and I believe if you want something, postage should not limit you. Please understand shipping times for international packages may take several weeks and shipping costs will be higher, but I promise it'll be worth it! Use code "Peacein10" for 10% off, hopefully this will help offset some shipping costs!

How long will my order take to arrive?

I ship with USPS, so you will be given a tracking number once your order is shipped. Domestic shipping is 1-2 days. International shipping can take 2-3 weeks. I manage all production, packaging, and transit on my own but I will try get orders out as quickly as I'm physically able to!

Paintings will be made to order, therefore I place a default of 4 days to process your order once received, so it allows time for me to paint your piece. You can watch me paint your order live on my Twitch channel @peacein_art

Reach out on our socials

The best way to support my work is to follow and engage with my social media, I love interacting with yall! Comments and replies will be answered quickly!

Contact us for further inquiries