What are my short/long term goals and plans?
I launched this site as a place for me to create, and make what I want to make. I plan on selling replicas and once I have established myself in the art scene, I will sell the actual original paintings as collectibles. In terms of products, I plan painting pieces to order live on my Twitch channel @peacein_art so yall can see the process and spend some time goofin and gaffin! I am also working on studying art history into different mediums and styles so I can consistently push myself and create new oieces for collectors.
I hope in the future to offer trading cards, lino prints, embossed prints, coloring books, printed shirts, and tote bags! I want to have full freedom when it comes to the production process, so once I have the means to expand, I will look into launching new products.
In terms of LONG LONG term, I want to have a design studio so I can teach, fund, and uplift other creatives. A dream is to help establish and build a gallery/museum by the time I'm 50. I'm young, I have lots of time but I would love to spend my whole life doing what I truly love.